My name is Ben Shapiro, and I'm a nationally syndicated columnist with Creators Syndicate, as well as a Harvard Law-educated lawyer in Los Angeles. I'm an Orthodox Jew -- my wife hails from Israel, where we were just married in July. So the issue of Israel is very near and dear to me, as it is to most other Jews. With Israel in mind, this is an enormous election season for American Jewry. It pits a consistently strong defender of Israel in John McCain against a man who is at best an enigma on the issue of Israel. At worst, Barack Obama is far more dangerous. His advisors are largely anti-Israel. His friends are consistently anti-Israel. His running mate, Joe Biden, says all of the right things but has a questionable record on the Jewish State. And the candidate himself is ambivalent on his defense of Israel -- he reversed himself on a united Jerusalem over the course of 24 hours, and states that he will meet with Hitler-lite Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without preconditions. And yet most American Jews are convinced that Obama is a less threatening version of Bill Clinton. They believe that Obama loves the State of Israel, will stand up for Israel's interests, and only wants to see the Israelis come to a quick and just agreement with Palestinian Arabs that protects Israel's long-term safety and security. There is no evidence to that effect. In fact, all the evidence points in the opposite direction. To the end of educating American Jews on Israel -- as well as Israel's non-Jewish American supporters -- I've produced a three-part YouTube video entitled "The Jewish Case Against Barack Obama.